The Democratic Discord Cat Party (Or DDCP for short) is a group of people active mainly on Discord, with silly cartoons to be posted on YouTube because, I (the leader) certainly LOVE animating! We have a wee bit of posts on Twitter, and still growing! We are open to new people, trying to bring peace to the internet, one might say. And as the saying goes, "There are some corners of the universe which have bred the most terrible things. Things that act against everything we believe in. They must be fought." -Doctor Who

If you are willing to fight against the UTTP and any other foe that may come our way, (I don't know about you but I hate Content Farmers like Cougar Macdowall Va) you are welcome! Just click the button below:

Join Us!

This is Wil. He is the leader. He is very friendly to others that are nice back. He probably likes you, if you like him too!


Hello, fellow internet users. Today, I want to talk to you about a serious threat to our online freedom and creativity: the UTTP. The UTTP, or the (YOU)Tube Troll Police, is a group of self-proclaimed online vigilantes who claim to be fighting against trolls, haters, and cringe on the internet. However, in reality, they are nothing but immature, hypocritical, and annoying cyberbullies who harass and attack anyone who does not share their narrow-minded views and preferences. The UTTP has been around for a long time, but they have become more active and aggressive in recent years. They target various fandoms and communities, such as anime, Roblox, Murder Drones, and many others, and make hateful and inflammatory videos, comments, and posts about them. They use Vyond/GoAnimate, a drag-and-drop animation site, to create low-quality and repetitive videos of their enemies getting grounded, arrested, beat up, or even killed. They also use spam, threats, insults, and false accusations to try to intimidate and silence their opponents. They have no respect for the opinions, feelings, and rights of others, and they think they are superior and entitled to dictate what people can and cannot like or do on the internet. The UTTP is not a troll organization, as they claim to be. They are not clever, funny, or original. They are not trying to make a point or expose flaws. They are not doing it for the LOLs or the reactions. They are doing it for their own ego and satisfaction. They are doing it to cause harm and misery. They are doing it to ruin the internet for everyone else. The UTTP is a menace that needs to be stopped. They are not the police of the internet. They are the enemies of the internet. They are the ones who are trolling, hating, and cringing. They are the ones who are violating the rules and norms of online etiquette and behaviour. They are the ones who are making the internet a worse place for everyone. We, the internet users, have the power and the responsibility to stop the UTTP. We can do this by ignoring, blocking, reporting, and exposing them. We can do this by supporting, defending, and respecting each other. We can do this by celebrating, expressing, and enjoying our diverse and creative interests and passions. We can do this by making the internet a better place for everyone. Thank you for listening to my speech. I hope you agree with me that the UTTP is a problem that we need to solve together. Remember, the internet is ours, not theirs. Let's keep it that way.

Wil Harron, DDCP Leader